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Резюме: Junior C++/Python developer (Дніпро)

  • Дата додавання:
  • Зарплата:
  • Місто: Дніпро
  • Досвід роботи: 0 рок. міc.
  • Графік роботи:
  • Стать: мужской

Досвід роботи

    <p>Junior C++/Python Developer</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p><br /></p>
    <p><strong>GitHub:</strong> github.com/Shrekulka</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p><br /></p>
    <p>Address of residence:</p>
    <p>Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk region, residential district Topol-1, 49040 Dnipro</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p><br /></p>
    <p>Demonstrating a high level of responsibility for assigned tasks and ensuring their timely and accurate completion. Taking ownership of one's work and consistently delivering results.</p>
    <p>Administrative Proficiency:</p>
    <p>Experience in administrative tasks, including effective documentation management, order processing, and report preparation.</p>
    <p>Attention to Detail:</p>
    <p>Showing attentiveness to details in tasks, projects, and interactions with others. Thoroughly reviewing work to ensure accuracy and completeness. Identifying and resolving potential issues at early stages.</p>
    <p>Consistently adhering to schedules and deadlines. Understanding the importance of time management and ensuring timely completion of assigned duties and tasks.</p>
    <p>Demonstrating a commitment to high standards of work. Continuously striving for improvement in all endeavors and actively seeking ways to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.</p>
    <p>Ability to Learn:</p>
    <p>Displaying a proactive attitude towards learning and adapting to new concepts and technologies. Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and continually staying updated on industry trends to improve skills and knowledge.</p>
    <p>Commitment: </p>
    <p>A profound understanding that the success of a company is closely tied to the long-term commitment of its employees. I aspire to cultivate mutually beneficial relationships, where the company values its team, and employees witness the results of their commitment in the prosperity of the company and their own well-being.</p>
    <p><strong>EMPLOYMENT HISTORY AND EDUCATION:</strong></p>
    <p><strong><br /></strong></p>
    <ul><li><strong>September 1998 - June 2002:</strong></li><li>Higher legal education</li><li>Law Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region, Dnipro</li><li>Diploma MV 12500726, June 2002.</li><li><strong>June 2002 - November 2004:</strong></li><li>Operative Officer, Department of the State Service for Combating Economic Crimes in the field of Intellectual Property.</li><li><strong>2006 – 2007:</strong></li><li>Representative at Orbit in Dnipro.</li><li><strong>2007 – 2010:</strong></li><li>Representative at LLC "Grand Instrument Group" ("Grand Terra").</li><li><strong>2004 – 2006; 2011 – 2022:</strong></li><li>· Individual Entrepreneur "Shtefanesa":<ul><li>Legal support in carpentry;</li><li>System administrator in production;</li><li>Trade;</li><li>International cargo transportation.</li></ul></li><li><strong>2022 – Present:</strong></li><li>Retraining:<ul><li>· October 2021 - December 2022: </li></ul></li><li>C++ language courses at Dnipro Computer Education Centre;<ul><li>· December 2022 - Present: </li></ul></li><li>self-learning Python programming language – obtained:</li><li>issued 13.03.2023;</li><li>stepik.org/cert/1985922;</li><li>stepik.org/course/67;</li><li>100% with honors;</li><li>issued 09.05.2023;</li><li>stepik.org/cert/2057369;</li><li>stepik.org/course/512;</li><li>97% with honors;<ul><li>learning Linux - advanced user for C programming, Linux kernel and networks in Linux.</li></ul></li><li><strong>September 2021 - August 2023:</strong></li><li>Private lessons - English courses. Nowadays I'm learning English on my own.</li><li>Driver's license: B, B1, C, C1, CE, D, D1;</li><li>I have a foreign passport;</li><li>if necessary, ready to move (together with the family);</li><li>I have a stable family - a wife and three children.</li></ul><p><strong>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:</strong></p>
    <p><strong>HOBBY: </strong></p>
    <ul><li>gardening;</li><li>computers - installation of various programs, etc.;</li><li>cars - update, code different blocks;</li><li>sport.</li></ul><p><strong>SKILLS: </strong></p>
    <ul><li><strong>c</strong><strong>omputer skills</strong><strong>:</strong></li><li>Windows:</li><li>advanced user: installation, configuration, and maintenance of the operating system;</li><li>installation and configuration of additional programs;</li><li>advanced user of Microsoft Office Word.</li><li>MacOS:</li><li>advanced user: configuration, maintenance, and installation of the operating system;</li><li>installation and configuration of additional programs;</li><li>proficient in working with Zsh.</li><li>Linux (Ubuntu and Kali Linux):</li><li>user: configuration, maintenance, and installation of the operating system;</li><li>installation and configuration of additional programs;</li><li>proficient in working with Bash.</li><li><strong>knowledge of English at the Intermediate level;</strong></li><li><strong>trainability and Self-development:</strong></li><li>willingness to learn new technologies and working methods;</li><li>active participation in self-improvement and education.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>version Control System Understanding (GitHub):</strong></li><li>understanding of version control systems, particularly GitHub. Proficient in the principles and utilization of tools for effective code version management.</li><li><strong>C++ programming (standard 17) and Python (version 3):</strong></li></ul><p>programming in C++ using standard 17 and Python version 3. Knowledge of both procedural and object-oriented programming (OOP).<br /><br />I have hands-on development experience in Python and C++ based on tutorial projects in my repositories on GitHub.<br /><br />My Python projects include building a telegram bot to facilitate communication, a random password generator, a text analyser, a web scraper, data visualisation using Matplotlib and image processing using Pillow. I have also implemented work with files, regular expressions and data structures, demonstrating data processing ability and the use of various libraries.<br /><br />In C++, my experience includes developing console applications working with classes and objects, data structures. One of my projects is managing a coffee shop where users can select coffee from a menu, add ingredients, and the programme calculates the cost. This project demonstrates my OOP skills in C++, using inheritance and polymorphism for efficient development.<br /><br />In addition, my projects have included modelling a traffic light system, developing a library of geometric shapes and other applications for text file analysis, contact management and calculations.<br /><br />My practical experience, although limited to training projects, confirms my ability to learn and apply various aspects of programming. I am confident that my skills in Python and C++ development will be useful for your team, and I am willing to apply them to real-world projects.<br /><br />Additionally, in March, I successfully completed a course on creating Telegram bots using the aiogram library version 3 on the Stepik platform, which deepened my knowledge and skills in Telegram bot development.<br /><br />Furthermore, I am actively participating in the Solana Hackathon as part of the Kumeka Team, where I am involved in the development of the Web3k_wallet project. This allows me to apply my skills and knowledge in practice, working in a team on real-world projects and deepening my understanding of blockchain technologies and decentralized applications.<br /><br />Test results: Broscorp<br />77% · June 2024<br />Python Developer - Ukraine - Remote<br /><br />1) Problem Solving 66%<br />This Problem Solving test evaluates candidates' ability to define problems and analyze data and<br />textual information to make correct decisions. This test helps you identify candidates who use<br />analytical skills to evaluate and respond to complex situations.<br /><br />2) Clean Code 81%<br />Clean code is the hallmark of a quality software engineer. It can be the difference between wasting<br />thousands on a project versus doing it right the first time. This screening test validates an engineer’s<br />ability to write easy to maintain code.<br /><br />3) Python (Coding): Data Structures &amp; Objects 100%<br />This Python Data Structures &amp; Pbjects test evaluates your candidate's object-oriented programming<br />skills. In 30 minutes, they will work with Python objects and implement a data structure. This test will<br />help you hire mid-level Python developers.<br /><br />4) English B2 (Upper Intermediate) 60%<br />The English B2 (Upper Intermediate) test evaluates candidates' knowledge of English at the B2 level of<br />the CEFR framework. This test will help you hire employees who can participate in upper intermediate<br />professional and social conversations in English.<br /><br />IQ test results BRGHT<br />Test result: from 89 to 118. <br />brght.org/view/mHkyYiGgzkNmkXpb/</p>

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